Baron Pikes was stunned up to 9 times whilst he was handcuffed, which is a disgrace and a completely wrongful death, a tragedy to mankind that the police officer would do such a thing. But this case I read in the news, I see as merely an accident and should not be looked upon as excessive force.
Not only was the teenager tasered only once, but he was "brandishing a knife at officers". Now if you have a 17yr old kid you just caught stealing from 2 cars and he pulled a knife on you what would you do?
If I had a taser I'd zap the bastard.
And that's just what they did. And the kid died, sure it's sad but the did had a FREAKING KNIFE, I feel no sympathy at all.
"The cops may as well have shot my son"? Lady if your kid pulled a knife on me I'd do more than shoot him.
1 comment:
If someone would point a knife at me, a taser death would be the least of their problems.
In my opinion, he had it coming.
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